You must know that regular exercise is good for your overall health. It not only provides you with excellent physical strength and stamina but also ensures proper functioning of various bodily systems such as immunity, digestion, cognitive function, cardiovascular health, and so on. However, taking up a fitness regime should follow gaining proper knowledge about the same. You should be mindful of your existing health conditions, especially your heart. Contrary to popular belief, merely exercising everyday can not keep you away from the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks. The Hindi TV and film actor Sidharth Shukla is one of the prime examples of such cases. Not only him, Indian Comedian Raju Srivasatava suffered from a cardiac arrest while he was working out at a gym. These real life tragedies are proof that individuals who work out are not entirely immune from cardiovascular complications.
Let’s have a discussion about the different signs of a heart attack, its risk for fitness enthusiasts, and measures for its prevention and mitigation.
Heart Attack and Its Signs
Heart attack, or myocardial infarction, takes place when there is an inadequate amount of blood flow to your heart muscles. The most common heart attack causes include conditions like hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and so on. These can lead to a blockage in your arteries, giving rise to myocardial infarction. Any cardiologist or medical professional would have tones of stories about fitness enthusiasts delaying action on various symptoms of heart attack because of disbelief or denial.
The lesson here is that no individual should ignore the different signs of heart attack under any circumstances. Some of these signs may include
- Chest discomfort or pain
- Shortness of breath
- Nausea
- Discomfort or pain in jaw, neck, shoulder, arm, or back
- Light-headedness
How Fitness Enthusiasts are at a Risk of Heart Attack
Poor lifestyle habits definitely contribute to conditions like heart attacks. This is the major reason why people take fitness and physical activity so seriously. This is why proper indulgence in such activities becomes extremely important. here is a list of some common mistakes that individuals who go to the gym, make, increasing the risk of developing heart conditions:
1. Trying to do Everything at Once
If you are a fitness enthusiast who goes to the gym regularly, understand the kind of strain you put your body through in order to achieve your goals. You should consider all possible heart and health factors before engaging in strenuous exercise and making yourself lift the heavy objects. high -intensity exercises such as running, jumping rope, cycling at or over 10 mph are demanding, and can have serious repercussions if not planned properly. If these become too strenuous, they can even disrupt the electrical system of your heart, leading to cardiac arrest.
2. Elevated Blood Pressure
It is common to experience an increase in blood pressure during exercise. However, what’s not considered normal is the blood pressure not getting back to normal even after you finish your workout. This is one of the major heart attack causes that should be dealt with before any unwanted repercussions.
3. Blockages and Malfunctions that Go Undiagnosed
There may be individuals suffering from cardiovascular diseases like coronary artery disease or related health conditions even before indulging in strenuous exercises. The insufficient supply of blood to and from the heart because of blocked arteries can result in heart strokes, heart attack, and even sudden cardiac arrest. The lack of awareness here is what leads to the adverse outcome.
Experts’ Advice: If you are an individual who has followed a sedentary lifestyle for a prolonged duration, consider getting screened by a cardiologist or undergoing a stress test before joining the gym.
Measures for Prevention and Mitigation of Heart Attack Risk
Any fitness enthusiast must take precautionary measures to prevent and mitigate the risk of heart attack. Some of these may include:
1. Follow Exercise Guidelines
No matter what level you are at - enthusiast, beginner, or expert - following proper exercise guidelines is crucial for your heart and overall health. Guidelines cover everything like form, number of sets and reps, target muscle group, intensity, duration, and so on.
2. Don’t Rely Solely on the Internet
The internet is a pretty reliable source for information but not when it comes to your specific needs. Only a professional like a healthcare provider or a certified trainer can tailor a workout routine and even help you with a suitable diet plan customized on the basis of your goals and requirements.
3. Be Aware of Any Prior Health Issues
If you have a history of cardiac issues that consist of hypertension, diabetes, or even more serious conditions like coronary artery disease, you should consult your healthcare provider before indulging in any high-intensity workouts. This should especially be the case if you have faced any of the symptoms of heart attack discussed above.
4. Consume a Healthy and Balanced Diet
A diet balanced with nutrients obtained from natural foods is an underrated aspect of your daily lifestyle that can help with the prevention of heart-related complications. Focus more on the inclusion of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, folate, CoQ10, and so on that are good for the heart. Stay away from refined sugar, deep-fried food rich in trans fats, and packaged or highly processed foods.
We can conclude that regular exercise is surely beneficial for cardiovascular health but only as long as you consider all potential associated risks. It is essential to learn about common heart attack causes and take preventive measures and prioritize the health of your heart. Seeking professional advice, following proper technique and guidelines, and taking adequate amounts of rest are crucial for avoidance of myocardial infarction and other heart-related complications.
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